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The Kirk Dicker Challenge is our annual fundraiser for Motor Neuron Disease (MND). MND is a group of diseases where the neurons in our body begin to degenerate and die, causing the muscles that help use move, breath and eat to function abnormally. Our funds from the event are donated to the Menzies Institute for Medical Research to assist in their work towards MND.


Our club's focus on this cause is due to on of our long time members Kirk Dicker who was diagnosed with MND. No matter, he would still come down to the beach and help out! Unfortunately, Kirk passed away, but his memory will remain at our club and we are continuing to support this cause.


For this event we run two races; a crazy craft race and an inflatable animal race. Come down and register and bring a homemade craft that you think will stay afloat through the course or an inflatable animal that won't let you get blown away!


Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the Kirk Dicker Challenge was not run in 2020. We are hoping to have in again in 2021!

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